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birth doula support

Providing evidenced-based education and emotional support to birthing people and their partners for the later prenatal period, labor and birth, and early postpartum preparation and care. Available to assist laboring people in hospitals, homes, or birth centers. 

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postpartum doula support

Providing evidenced-based education and emotional support to new (or returning) parents for the first 12 weeks postpartum. Available for meal prep, baby wearing education and additional lactation support. 

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full spectrum support

Providing evidenced-based education and support throughout any pregnancy discourse and outcome. Available to discuss all of your options in detail and provide the necessary resources.

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Providing reiki energy healing to pregnant people, people in labor, unborn babes, and newborns. Reiki energy healing is a beautiful addition to your care. Offering only positive and relaxing results to those open to receiving it.